Tag: post-it project
(re)start tiny
In 2009 I knew I needed a change of role and perspective at work, but not what exactly that need pointed to. I found a lot of inspiration in Tama Kieves, who among other things was incredibly, deliciously great at saying wise things in few words. I am… not. So I attended a workshop weekend…
sucking at something is the first step
During the holidays, my partner gifted me this sweet notebook that makes me think “Workers of the the world, unite!” Right? This repurposed book cover would have suited something from the WPA, Marx or Trotsky. Or maybe Che Guevara – check out the mustache on the dude second row center. I love this thing. My…
aim for good
I heard this idea at a coaching conference a year or so ago (thus my vague attribution – I don’t actually remember who said it), in a talk about powerful questions. Coaches spend most of their time listening and understanding, and use questions to help spark insight. What do you think happens when a coach…
what haunts you?
Happy Halloween! [Hey, it might not be a holiday you celebrate, but I’m going out dressed like the Tooth Fairy later tonight, so you’re going to have to humor me.] Let’s talk about work! Haunting work probably doesn’t look a lot like ghosts. It might look like someone with a sheet over their head, if…
open the box
You’ve been told to “think outside the box” before, right? I’ve heard that phrase used in 100 delighting and frustrating ways. As overused as it may be, I think it has something true to teach us. What we can imagine is limited by what we’re experiencing – in other words, wherever you are, you’re in…