four is enough tacos to share.

  • open the box

    open the box

    You’ve been told to “think outside the box” before, right? I’ve heard that phrase used in 100 delighting and frustrating ways. As overused as it may be, I think it has something true to teach us. What we can imagine is limited by what we’re experiencing – in other words, wherever you are, you’re in…

  • the article about neutral and dance posture everyone wanted

    Posture! When we see that word, a lot of us spring to attention: lift our chests, throwour shoulder blades back, our shoulders up, tighten our necks, suck in our bellies and raise our heads while attempting to “straighten our spines”. Proper posture, we think, is not-slouching; it’s also, apparently, waiting for a punch in the…

  • finding feedback

    Where do you go for feedback as a dancer or athlete? I don’t feel like I get enough meaningful feedback on my movement right now. This came up in conversation with another dancer yesterday. Bellydancers tend to be very generous with compliments, and will tell you that performance was wonderful even if it doesn’t meet…

  • bad workplaces are depressing

    A few months ago, Gallup published a survey that shows us disengagement at work makes people depressed and sick. But what is this engagement thing, and why does its lack make us feel so lousy? I’m suspicious of talk about “engagement”. It seems, more than anything, to get used to shift the focus of organizational…

  • slightly positive change in reviewing “performance”

    My intuition (fed with years of management science & motivational theory) says that adapting the conventional annual review notion as Atlassian recently announced they’re doing) won’t make a significant difference in employee morale or motivation. It’s still good to see someone noting that their GE-inspired system of “pay for performance” is utterly demotivating and more-or-less…

  • i do not love a parade

    Chicago’s Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup two nights ago. It’s been awhile for them. The city’s excited. Revelers were still hooting in the streets, doing some strange pantomime of a pow-wow, as I walked to work the next morning. Today, there was a PARADE! It marched through downtown, brushing the corner of our building. Everyone…

  • a nice work space example

    The folk at 37 Signals (if you’re a PM, you might know them for Basecamp) have a new office. It looks, on a shaky handheld video, like a nice space. They’re doing with the new space what everyone should start doing: making exterior walls and windows open for working spaces, not conference rooms or offices.…

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